Winter Solstice
This is nice because it means spring, which generally leads to more abundant times, new growth, new beginnings, and all that happy stuff. This general theme is something that is also part of The Meaning.
According to Wikipedia, this is the shortest day of the year, and also the longest night (seems to me that would've made sense anyways). It is also the start for where daylight increases (until summer solstice).
Barbara Carrellas, author of Urban Tantra (and a few other books), sent out an e-mail wishing everyone a Happy Solstice, so am passing on the well wishes to everyone! I've met her in person and took a couple classes from her in NYC (group setting), and she's truly the real deal. Here are her steps on:
How to Have an Ecstatic Solstice
Stay in the present moment.
Don't try so hard.
Stay in the present moment.
Drop your expectations and your judgements.
Stay in the present moment.
Stay in the present moment.
Be conscious.
Stay in the present moment.
Practice doing all of this throughout your holidays... the present moment.
Scooter news!
While this isn't the big update I have planned, it is something which I recently had the pleasure of doing with the scooter. It is to fix it (one more time) by replacing the battery and the starter solenoid (relay).
Spent some time at an Escapee Coop in Florida for couple weeks. I was due to go visit parents for Pizza (YES!) and, much to my dismay, scooter wouldn't start. Was able to crank it for a little bit but wouldn't start so kept trying until one last spurt where it just failed to do anything other than one single click. PHOOEY. Had to call them to come pick me up, a small letdown to my pride, but such is life.
First things first, knew battery was dying, and almost dead, so decided to first replace it. Took a trip up to Tampa, FL for couple different reasons, with this being the top reason. Trip was nice and they replaced the battery without a problem. At least on this scooter, batteries seem to last about two years. Got my last battery from Cycle Gear in Tacoma, WA, as a store brand, and it came with a lifetime warranty! Now it comes with a one year warranty and can buy second year for $5.00. Hopefully don't use it but feel that cost is acceptable so spent $5 for a battery with two year warranty!
Got back to RV and still no joy after installing new battery. One click and that's all it gave me, even after charging it on both a regular charger and a trickle charger. Next came some research and debugging which led me to this post that explains how to replace the relay. The trick is, at least on my scooter, it wasn't in the location they showed... Here is a description, and not so good image, of what the relay looks like, new. Mine is all old and rusty and don't have a picture.
As mentioned, problem was finding it. According to this parts diagram (page 59, part #1), it was in the general location of the battery and it seems like was slightly above the battery at first glance. Nothing matching that description was up there.
I then remembered hearing a clicking and feeling it someplace. Assuming that this clicking was the relay, I simply kept pressing the starter button until pinpointed it and found the offending unit. Turns out it was right above the radiator, tucked away in a little rubber sleeve. Getting it out was a different story, but suffice it to say, finally got it out, unhooked the wires (after disconnecting the battery). It was very rough and tough to get out.
Right out of box |
Soldered on other side |
Lower part, ziptied |
In the first picture can see I bent some metal tabs where routed the zipties through. The upper ziptie is seen fairly easily, but there's also a smaller ziptie below so it doesn't ride up and down the pipe (insert "snarky" comment here).
Picture showing whole unit installed |
View from top |
And now scooter is humming along like a champ! This worked and am quite happy that have wheels again, other than a bicycle.
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