Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Success = Free flowing of energy

While at the Leadership Conference in Vegas, was listening to David Martin, an up and rising leader in Nikken, talk about some of the realizations he has made.

One particular ah-ha moment stuck out for me, when he talked about the mentoring he is receiving from Pat Terry, part of the (in)famous Mac and Pat duo.  They have successfully built, and continue building, a large network of people which spans the globe.  All this from a healthcare professional and retired Air Force colonel.

The piece of advice she gave David, and am paraphrasing this:

"In order to get the cash flow (level) you want, have to define where the excess goes"

He specifically stated that this has to do with the Society Pillar, philanthropy, and how to help others less fortunate.  Of course, we need something to live on and most people would just spend the excess on frilly stuff, or have it sit in a bank for a "rainy day".  This is what was meant about stopping the flow of energy, or the flow of money, in my mind.

To this end,  I really enjoy backing projects on Kickstarter.  It is a passion of mine and have backed over 100 projects this year!  I get something in return, but more importantly, I help make people's dreams a reality.  Most times the projects are well run, but late, and a lot of ones with physical rewards have their stuff made overseas.  The overseas production part doesn't help us in the long term.

There are quite a few projects which do their best to source everything locally, not specifically meaning the U.S., but locally to their own area.  These are the ones I like to back the most.  My long term goal is to increase my funding of these projects, at higher tiers, to help their dream.

After all, everyone should be living their dream, taking calculated risks, and reaping the rewards.

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